Open: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - Tuesday, November 4, 2025

Open: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 - Tuesday, November 4, 2025


Fill in the required forms and press the "Confirm Inquiry" button.
You must fill in the forms marked [Required].

  • *Please do not use half-width katakana.
  • *Please use fill-width Japanese characters or/and half-width English characters.
Phone number[Required]

Please input without hyphens (-).

  • *We will respond via e-mail address or phone number given to us.
  • *Have you filled in your correct e-mail and phone number? Please check again before submitting.
  • - Please understand that it may take over 24 hours to respond to your inquiry.
  • - If we do not respond, please confirm that you have filled in your correct e-mail address and resend the inquiry.
  • - Hotel Tateyama will not use your personal info for any reason other than responding to your inquiry.
  • - Hotel Tateyama will not give your personal info to any third-party without your consent.